Practicing the Dharma in the World Today ~ Zoom Retreat

with Robert Brumet

April 7 - 12, 2021

Location: Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center

Address: 159 Osceola Rd Hendersonville, NC 28739

Contact: Clear Grace

Cancellation Policy: As a dana-based, volunteer-based center, we are unable to provide refunds. At this time, all retreats are non-refundable. We understand that emergency circumstances arise. In this case, please submit in writing to explain the nature of the emergency circumstances to the retreat manager at to secure a credit for future Heartwood offerings.

  • $100.00 – Zoom Option
    plus dana (offered at the end of the retreat) to the teacher and to Heartwood. You can read more about the practice of dana here.

My first dharma teacher said to me, “If you want a small enlightenment, then stay here in the temple. If you want a big enlightenment, then go back to the city.”

Cultivating wisdom and compassion is challenging under any circumstances, but this is especially true in our world today. And yet, the dharma is needed in this world more now than any other time in human history. The world is burning and humans are deeply divided; we are being called to live consciously and compassionately in a world that is largely unconscious and uncaring. The consequences could hardly be greater–yet the potential for transformation in our world is also greater than ever before.

This retreat will consist of sitting, walking and eating meditation with a period of mindful communication. Instruction, teacher conferences and dharma talks will be provided throughout the retreat. Maintaining continuous awareness of the body in all daily activities will be emphasized.


Insight meditation involves moment-by-moment awareness of the body-mind processes. By becoming fully aware and accepting of each experience the mind eventually begins to see into its own nature. Through this clear seeing we develop wisdom and compassion.

When this practice is integrated into our everyday life it awakens us from the trance of the ego-dominated personality. Along with daily practice, meditation retreats strengthen our awareness of our true nature and free us of old patterns of thinking and behaving.

About the Leader

Robert Brumet

Rev Robert Brumet is the former Chairman of Pastoral Studies at Unity Institute. He taught courses in pastoral care, spiritual counseling, transpersonal psychology, prayer and meditation. He is the author of four books: the award-winning Finding Yourself in Transition, The Quest for Wholeness, Birthing a Greater Reality and Living Originally, all published by Unity. He […]

Learn more about Robert Brumet

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