Walking the "Path of Insight" ~ (ZOOM) EDT

with Dr. Donald Rothberg and Ronya Banks

October 16 - 22, 2020

Date and Time Details: October 16-22 EDT

Location: Zoom

Address: 159 Osceola Rd
Hendersonville, NC 28739

Contact: Clear Grace

Cancellation Policy: View Here

  • $250.00 – Online Zoom
    plus dana (offered at the end of the retreat) to the teacher and to Heartwood. You can read more about the practice of dana here.


In the midst of troubling times, it is more imperative than ever to orient yourself to walk on the “Path of Insight” – a spiritual awakening journey that turns your challenges into fuel for wisdom and freedom.

During this online Zoom retreat and from the comfort of your own home, you will be able to receive the expert guidance of Vipassana teachers – Donald Rothberg and Ronya Banks, wherein you will be directed to delve deeper into the many gifts these troubling times have to offer as well as the opportunity to immerse yourself in the mindfulness and Buddhist practices that bring you on the “Path of Insight” and set your heart and mind free.

This meditation retreat’s schedule will include formal sitting meditation, walking meditation, daily dharma talks, specific instructions, Q&A periods, interviews, and chanting.

This retreat is appropriate for those who have attended a previous silent meditation retreat, as well as experienced daily meditation practitioners.

This retreat is eligible for MMTCP credits.  The teachers have requested that MMTCP participants complete the form located at the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc4o3cDJZS6RPaGNF-XEUpEvZbFVMzlk4zmyA2yKxI_kbTbjg/viewform?gxids=7757

Walking the Path of Insight Retreat Schedule

About the Leaders

Dr. Donald Rothberg

Donald Rothberg, Ph.D., is a member of the Teachers Council at the Spirit Rock Center in California. He has practiced Insight Meditation since 1976 and also received training in Tibetan Dzogchen and Mahamudra practice, in the Hakomi approach to body-based psychotherapy, and in the Somatic Experiencing approach to working with trauma. Formerly on the faculties of the […]

Learn more about Dr. Donald Rothberg

Ronya Banks

Founder and lead teacher of the Asheville Insight Meditation center, in Asheville, North Carolina, Ronya Banks originally began her meditation practice in 1985, and she has personally spent over a year on silent residential Insight Meditation retreats with over 30 different teachers.   In addition to experience as a Theravada Buddhist nun, Ronya is also […]

Learn more about Ronya Banks

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