
David McKay

David McKay, author of "The One Open Door: Adventures of a Zen Buddhist Monk", entered a Zen Buddhist monastery at the age of twenty-nine. He spent the next eighteen years training there in silence. Over time he became a skilled facilitator and counselor, offering retreats and workshops at the monastery and across the country. David left the monastery […]

Nick Kranz

Nick Kranz is an experienced and dynamic meditation teacher with a passion for sharing authentic wisdom. He’s interested in social innovation, cultural transformation, and collaborative business that positively impacts society. He has Studied with Khenpo Tsultirm Gyampsto Rinpoche, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche and Khandro Rinpoche, as well as many other western and Tibetan Teachers, receiving the […]

Sister Diamond

Sister True Moon of Clear Suchness

Sister True Moon of Clear Suchness received ordination in the Plum Village Vietnamese  Zen tradition (Thich Nhat Hanh). She was ordained in Deer Park Monastery on September 9, 2019 and has recently left and took refuge in Heartwood Refuge. Being apart of the community here at Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center has given her the […]

Deborah Eden Tull

DEBORAH EDEN TULL, founder of Mindful Living Revolution, teaches the integration of compassionate awareness into every aspect of our lives. She is a Zen meditation and mindfulness teacher, public speaker, author, activist, and sustainability educator. She trained for seven years as a Buddhist monk at a silent Zen monastery in Northern California, and she has been traveling […]

Jeff Collins

Jeff Collins is a retired hospice social worker in Ithaca NY and has been leading silent retreats for 25 years, including at Southern Dharma in North Carolina and at Light on the Hill, near Ithaca. He has been practicing meditation in the Zen and Theravadin traditions for over 30 years and has done 3 three-month […]