Cynthia Calhoun

Cynthia is a spiritual blogger, author, artist, and a McLean Meditation Institute Certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher.

Cynthia first encountered meditation in 2002 and started her practice regularly in 2008 as part of her spiritual journey. She also discovered that meditation really helped to alleviate the stress and anxiety she felt while living the challenges of modern life, allowing her to experience peace in the midst of it all. When the people around her started noticing how calm she remained in stressful situations, they started asking about her “secret.” It was then that she knew she needed to share her practice with others.

Cynthia has a master’s degree in the educational field and brings her love of teaching into her meditation instruction. She has also studied art at the university level and uses this with her practice to teach about mandalas and meditation. Her real name is Cynthia Calhoun and goes by Sageleaf as her pen and artist name.

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