Susmita Barua (Acharya Navasajiva)
Susmita Barua (Dharmacharya Navasajiva) MS, MA, CPC is a Certified Professional Coach, Mindful Life Coach, Mindfulness Educator and Contemporary Dharma Teacher from Lexington, KY.
Susmita is a lifetime member of Sangha of Thousands Buddhas and Dharmankur Bengal Buddhist Association. She was a panelist in ‘Teaching Dhamma in New Lands’ at the IABU conference in Thailand 2012, served as the former President of the Alliance for Bhikkhunis and founding member of Sakyadhita USA, Heartwood Refuge, NC and KY Peace Meditation Center. She taught recently at Mindful Nashville, Louisville and Lexington events and presented workshops at Sakyadhita International Buddhist Women’s Conference 2019 in Australia. She developed the Linkedin Buddhist Women’s Network and Facebook Mindful Buddhist Economics Group.
Contact her at susmitabarua.com
Categories: Author, Buddhist, Lecturer, Mindfulness