Vimalasara Mason John

Dr. Valerie (Vimalasara) Mason-John is a human in deep recovery, Buddhist teacher, writer, performance artist…. the lasting impression is that of striking presence, a genuine person with joyful wisdom extracted from profound suffering.

She is one of the most profound teachers of our time. She leads her studies with love, compassion and lived experience. Her teachings will change the way you see and treat yourself and other living beings.

Vimalasara is a public speaker and master trainer in the field of conflict transformation, leadership and mindfulness. She was featured at TEDxRenfrewCollingwood where she gave a talk titled, We are what we think, which outlined a course of action we can take to work on the global epidemic of bullying.

She is the award-winning author of 8 books, and the co-author and co-founder of Eight Step Recovery: Using The Buddha’s Teaching to Overcome Addiction. Since its publication, it has won the Best USA Book Award 2014 and Best International Book Award 2015 in the self-motivational and self-help category. Eight Step Recovery offers an alternative to the 12 step program for addiction. Eight Step meetings are now taking place in the UK, USA, Canada, Mexico, India and Finland.

This just scratches the surface of the accomplishments this amazing women has made in her efforts to ease the suffering of all beings. For more details on Dr. Vimalasara Mason-John.

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